Selected Presentations, Seminars, & Workshops
Seminars & Workshops
- Gil Rodriguez, O. A. (2020, Apr 17 - 21) The Influence of Parental Socio-Emotional Support on Latino Students' Transition to Postsecondary Education [Poster Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA. (Conference Canceled)
- Gil Rodriguez, O. A. (2019, May 17) Parental Socio-Emotional Support and Latino Student Transition from High School to College. 1st Gen Conference: Everyday Superheroes University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.
Seminars & Workshops
- Gil Rodriguez, O. A. (2023, Nov 08). “Educate2Elevate & CARS Financial Aid Application Workshop.” College Access, Readiness and Success, Orthopaedic Hospital Medical Magnet High School, Los Angeles, CA.
- Gil Rodriguez, O. A. (2022, Oct 06). “Educate2Elevate & CARS Common Application Workshop.” College Access, Readiness and Success, Orthopaedic Hospital Medical Magnet High School, Los Angeles, CA.
- Gil Rodriguez, O. A. (2022, Sep 29). “Educate2Elevate & CARS UC/CSU Application Workshop.” College Access, Readiness and Success, Orthopaedic Hospital Medical Magnet High School, Los Angeles, CA.
- Gil Rodriguez, O. A. (2021, Nov 03). “Educate2Elevate & CARS Common Application Workshop.” College Access, Readiness and Success, Orthopaedic Hospital Medical Magnet High School, Los Angeles, CA.
- Gil Rodriguez, O. A. (2021, Oct 27). “Educate2Elevate & CARS CSU Application Workshop.” College Access, Readiness and Success, Orthopaedic Hospital Medical Magnet High School, Los Angeles, CA.
- Gil Rodriguez, O. A. (2021, Oct 13). “Educate2Elevate & CARS Financial Aid Application Workshop.” College Access, Readiness and Success, Orthopaedic Hospital Medical Magnet High School, Los Angeles, CA.
- Gil Rodriguez, O. A. (2021, Sep 29). “Educate2Elevate & CARS UC Application Workshop.” College Access, Readiness and Success, Orthopaedic Hospital Medical Magnet High School, Los Angeles, CA.
- Gil Rodriguez, O. A. (2021, Jul 08). “Financial Aid 101.” College Access, Readiness and Success, Leuzinger High School, Lawndale, CA.
- Gil Rodriguez, O. A. (2021, Jul 07). “College Selection Process.” College Access, Readiness and Success, Leuzinger High School, Lawndale, CA.
- Gil Rodriguez, O. A. (2021, Jun 23). “Understanding and Selecting Majors.” College Access, Readiness and Success, Leuzinger High School, Lawndale, CA.
- Gil Rodriguez, O. A. (2021, Jun 22). “Application Process & Deadlines.” College Access, Readiness and Success, Leuzinger High School, Lawndale, CA.
- Gil Rodriguez, O. A. (2021, Jun 22). “College & University Systems.” College Access, Readiness and Success, Leuzinger High School, Lawndale, CA.
- Gil Rodriguez, O. A. (2019, May 10). The Influence of Parental Social-Emotional Support on Latino Transition to Post-Secondary Education. Thesis Defense, California State University, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.
- Gil Rodriguez, O. A. (2019, Apr 27). Parental Socio-Emotional Support and Latino Student Transition from High School to College. 33rd Annual CSU Student Competition in Session 18: Education, Undergraduate and Graduation session, California State University, Fullerton, Fullerton, CA [Thesis Draft 2].
- Gil Rodriguez, O. A. (2019, Feb 22). Exploring the Role that Parental Socio-Emotional Support Plays in the Transition of Latinos from Secondary-to-Higher Education. 27th Annual Student Symposium on Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities, California State University, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA [Thesis Draft 1].
- Gil Rodriguez, O. A. (2018, Nov 07). “Un Resume de la Universidad: Los pasos necesarios para navegar hacia la universidad (A Brief Summary of College: The Necessary Steps to Navigate College).” Leuzinger High School, Lawndale, CA.
- Gil Rodriguez, O. A. (2018, Feb 22). “Financial Aid 101: Higher Ed Fiscal Aid for Non-U.S. Citizens.” Leuzinger High School, Lawndale, CA.
- Gil Rodriguez, O. A. (2017, Nov 16). “Learn How to Finance Your Education After High School: Financial Aid/CA DREAM Act.” Lawndale High School, Lawndale, CA.
- Gil Rodriguez, O. A. (2017, Oct 26). “Financial Aid 101: Higher Ed Fiscal Aid for Non-U.S. Citizens.” Lawndale High School, Lawndale, CA.
- Gil Rodriguez, O. A. (2017, Oct 15). “La Promesa de los Colegios de Los Ángeles: Creando una Ciudad de Graduados. (The Los Angeles College Promise: Creating a City of Graduates)” Los Angeles Trade Tech College, Los Angeles, CA.